A hauntingly sardonic and quick-witted girl who was considered by many to be very beatiful, especially for being the daughter of "peon", during her short-life, and as a result was spared from a lot of the more intensive labor her siblings and young friends were made to do, and ended up doing much of her work in the kitchen of the patrón's house on the hacienda along with her mother, Alba.

She also helped the daughter and the wife of the patrón with tailoring & mending dresses, as she also proved to be a very talented dressmaker throughout her youth.

She was engaged to be wed to the son of the foreman on the hacienda, a boy her age named Pedro Reyes who was set to take his father's place as foreman once he retired. Josefina loved Pedro as much as she could've, but her real desire was not to marry him, but rather to leave the hacienda for a bustling place like Mexico City, Guadalajuara, or even somewhere as far as San Francisco, and live a modern life as a modern woman, far from all the tears shed by her mother and the abuse her the women in her family had experienced at the hands of their husbands and the different patróns over the many years the hacienda had stood and conducted business.

This freedom would not come to her unfortunately, as on her wedding night, just hours after she had been wed to Pedro and taken his name, she was killed by an unknown, yet familiar, attacker and pushed off a short cliff onto a pile of rocks by the river she had played with her siblings at as a child. Her ghost now makes a home in her sister Winnifred's soul, and is trying her hardest to contact her to warn her of her attacker, and to guide her on the right path.