"The Bride & The Bunny" is a historical fiction webcomic, written with a combination of English and Spanish, which focuses on the story of a young girl named Winnifred as well as that of her late sister, Josefina, and the father the two of them share.

Winnifred traverses her home state of Michoacán in search of a convent, in order to become a nun, and to be as far away from the hacienda she was reared on as possible, seeing how the revolutionary war of 1910 has affected her country in various ways, and how it has affected her own family.

Winnifred is faced with multiple difficult experiences, from processing the death of her sister as the anniversary of her sudden passing draws near, to traveling on her own while managing a fainting disorder, to her attemping to understand her own body and physical state as a young woman living in a different time than the women who before her, and living in a different situation than even her peers can really understand.

The comic updates weekly, mainly on fridays, however this may be affected by how busy the author is.